Maintenance Questions About Your Water Fountain | XYH Fountain Lights

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Maintenance Questions About Your Water Fountain

Well, you already have a peaceful and serene view from your backyard. But guess what your fountain is not working properly and you do not know what might have happened. In such cases, Pudisc is always at your disposal. May be answered to your question for a water fountain is already mentioned in the text below. Have a look at these most frequent troubleshooting problems that persist or can happen to a fountain with solutions to each of them described in brief-

fountain mantenance

Q1. Is a pump difficult to maintain?

Ans. To an amateur, it may seem a daunting and cumbersome task. But maintain a water pump is an easier task than it seems. Provide clear and debris-free water to your fountain. Avoid adding mineralized water as the minerals may get precipitated if the water evaporates quickly in a tropical country. Keeping the fountain water empty or letting it dry can cause part of the pump to not work properly. In these cases, it is always recommended to check the water level.

Q2. How can I take care of nozzles?

Ans. This can be done by providing crystal clear water to the fountain source. Debris may cause obstruction or full blockage of the pump. In this case, nozzles need to be opened up and the debris removed. If your fountain lies below to a tree or too many leaves fall of then continuously remove the leaves from it and maintain water clear for the effective working of nozzles.

Q3. My LED lights have become dim?

Ans. In the case where your LED lights become dimmer, it may happen either due to the deposition of murky water over it, soil, dust or even the period of the LED underwater lights is completed. In the previous case clear the fountain and clean it with fresh water. In the latter case replace the pool fountain lights with a fresh set of lights to have a brighter light.

Q4. From where should I purchase a new pump?

Ans. Various pumps are available in the market offline as well as online. In the latter scenario, a person can purchase effectively and good quality pumps from They take care of all the fountains needed and are a trusted brand for fountains. Pudisc also has different kinds of lights, nozzles and other fountain fitting.

Q5. How to prevent algae from growing in the fountain?

Ans. Algae require nutrients and minerals for their growth. So if an alga is growing in your water fountain then definitely there is a source of nutrients for them. IN such cases always at regular intervals clear the water and provide fresh water to the fountain. Avoid the addition of dust or soil in the fountain. Accumulation of soil can lead to this. The presence of minerals may also lead to the formation of algae. So it will be better if you use demineralized water for maintaining your water fountain and preventing algal growth in it.